Our Lady of the Rivers — Lined Journal

This journal is part of a series featuring art by renowned artist Josh Baum from the book Malkah’s Notebook: A Journey into the Mystical Aleph-Bet, written by Mira Z Amiras. Part bedtime story, part poem, part journal, Malkah’s Notebook is a love letter to the Hebrew alphabet that unlocks life’s greatest mysteries. Mira Amiras is also the writer and director of the award-winning film The Day Before Creation, a companion to the book.

In this hand drawn illustration, Malkah, on her travels, encounters the Great Mother of Us All, protector of all journeys, both inner and outer. In her pack, she always carries her feather quill for writing in her journal.

Our Lady of the Rivers Journal is packaged with a cerulean ribbon for inspired organization. The pages are lined for journaling and creative expression.